[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

I feel proud of myself even though that score sucks.


I wonder what it means?

What’s the first clue that you sent out?

What’s this?

It was something like FIRST one to find it gets it

I followed your turtle clue to a one-time pad and it showed “Use this goudgz”

It’s just a venerian cipher and the key to it is the turtles name

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Well I will say the first two words are right idk why the last one got messed up

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Well even the first two letters are right on the last word. Ciphers are weird. What did u use for the key

Coco Jumbo

That should have worked


Uh try without space

The coder I used didnt allow spaces for the key


This is in Vigenére Autokey


Oh, is the word Gospel?

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its a hard road to heaven

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Kayne West, Jesus is King

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Tell me I figured it out before anybody else.
Tell me.

Well ponderosa figured it out a bit ago