[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

Search Hand of Byzantium


Well, I’m out of ideas and I need to sleep. I’ll probably try again when I wake up.
Good night.

no dice i’m fraud

Search around the throne of lies.

I just realised that when I was trying to get to sleep.
Why was the puzzle a castle? I remember there being something about a throne room aswell.

Search around the throne room.

that’s not how you find idols

How do you find idols?

2412222 + 51123513

huh, odd

God damn this I just went and accidentally edited a post instead of creating a new one

22 12 2 20 + 5 11 23 5 13

It’s probably one of those turn the calculator upside down things but I cba really need to sleep

This one?
Is the plus post numbers?

nope, nada

Are we informed if an idol is found?



Well that isn’t a good sign. You had EYE of Corax and Kaii has HAND of Mithras, so I thought it was linked to that game.

The only person I am not in a chat with is Jgoes.
GamerPoke seems fine with an alliance in me and Wazza.
If I can convince Wazza that Hippo and Poisoned are against them then they should agree to blindside.
That with Magnus’s vote should be enough to get a vote off.