[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

Search the throne room. And quickly. Search every single corner of it.

No dice amigo

Oh my god Iā€™m actually going to lose that immunity idol. That isnā€™t good.

Can I steal the crown off of your head

no stealing the kings crown

I canā€™t believe Iā€™m so lost in this riddle Iā€™m trying to steal things from production. Oh my.

Search the Maidā€™s Quarters

nothing there my friend

Look in the Princeā€™s Jail Cell or Cabin or whatever

Just steal everything from his room

still no dice

Okay so itā€™s a blonde character.

Look through the Chronomancerā€™s room

Look through the Pretenderā€™s room while Iā€™m at it as well

nope and nope

Letā€™s chuck propaganda at them. Thatā€™ll get them.

I think my propaganda technique is working. Squid is starting to think like a tribe and me as the leader.

Iā€™d be allowed to post this right?


am i missing something, is there something wrong with this image? Also where posting?

Itā€™s a WW1 Propaganda Poster.
It centers originally around Women doing field work (since they canā€™t be in the army.). I just thought it may come across as a bit misogynistic so I wanted to check first. Couldnā€™t find any other poster.
Iā€™ve found a better WW2 one that wonā€™t come across as sexist so itā€™s fine

well yeah dont try to be sexist,