[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

I’m just agreeing with people even if I don’t agree with them just to get brownie points. Woo.

I don’t really care about what Simon has to say, not really looking to blindside or make an alliance yet but I’m going to question him to see where his loyalty lies.

“Yes Simon, I’m totally new to survivor so I won’t be lying a lot. It’s 100% best if we team up with Magnus. I didn’t pass your test because I asked Magnus what they had been saying in your chat, haha no.”

He’s blindside + manipulation potential.
Kelly Wentworth inbound.

Do I need to inv you to 3 man chats?

just me, dat is optional

a flashback to what Kai Probst said

3+ is not 3_>

British notation, biach

idc just add me

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Right so I’m in two three people alliances

(Poisoned, Hippo, Me)
(Magnus, Simon, Me)

I’ve lied to Simon. I’m trying to orchestrate a blindside on Poisoned.

That silly cow he just gave away the idol placement
Kidding but still

/search for Kanye West for an idol


no dice i’m afraid

I IDOLIZE Kanye West JigsawPlanet.com

still no dice

Look at this BS

oof, sorry man

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/search in the castle

nothing, you don’t need to do that to find the idols

Do I need to solve the entire thing