Cheerio in-game here, suspended for trying to up prince after he told butler to kill me
look, imma try to kill prince every time he tells butler to poison me when I’m BD King.
I don’t sit in lobbies for 30 minutes to get killed by my own team because players don’t understand that not pointing or actually using your day ability isn’t suspicious
And dying to an irrestible giant gold button is usually unavoidable no matter what you do.
Essentially I was reported because players are butthurt they got a penalty for executing GK. Getting punished for idiocy is how the game should work, but obviously the pently for butlering GK isn’t nearly big enough to thwart it, and it’s understandable because the option is either A) click the giant button and show off your artwork, or B) do nothing.
Prince wanted to kill someone with impunity but got butthurt I forced him to accept the consequences lmao … But I get punished for it.
Ban me or fix the game because like I said I’ll do it again