Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

No one is coming out to say if they suspect anyone though.

I’m feeling no-lynch if we have no info to go off of.

Ah yes, slowly waiting for killers to get information is a great idea.
To be honest with you, a lynch for info would probably narrow down the asumptions that we have to make, i say we lynch the person who doesn’t talk. Or, if like yesterday, everyone talks, just eliminate the most silent one, that sounds good?

You lynch a silent one, you risk lynching someone who maybe doesn’t want to bring attention to themselves, or is waiting to read more info.

I’ve been doing just that, I know no more than you guys do, all of you are going off of intuition without any facts, in a completely different format of deception games. There is simply too much going on to use “brute force” methods, and scum reading.

Then they can talk lol

Yau is right in a way.

We need a lynch right now. Even if only to gather information.

Does anyone know if sparrow and eagle are related? They look alike.

I feel like Queen Alfa has put a decent amount of shade on others with no real contributions whatsoever.

Only if they look like a duck

In which case, we should get our largest scales and start weighing people to see who weighs the same as one

So, are you saying to lynch Queen Alfa?

Sorry, I am quite sleepy and just trying to find any loose knots I can, and “decent amount of shade”? I haven’t said much other than that, I just found it interesting.

And Yau. Most people thought the reaper didn’t exist because we thought he could go through night immunity automatically. Well, at least that’s what I thought before.

What happened there was Wild attempting to frame Jord
Hecking disgusting

Does a mediochre but easily provable town role wanna claim so we have some basis for a lynch or something. If not I think we should NL again :frowning:

Holy -

What a conclusion jump if I ever saw one.

@Queen_Alfa - alright then, who do you think looks Pro-Town and who do you think looks Anti-Town?

##Anthony has replaced Wildraven

##orrrrr apparently not, thanks a bunch, I still need a replacement

##Dooku has replaced Wildraven for reals this time

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@JammySplodge Who hasn’t posted?

Use these wonderful things called “eyes”

I’m blind, triggered.

Honestly, you seem to be pro-town… Seem… I cannot be fully sure of course :slight_smile: