Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

Anthony, that was the Butler whispering you. I don’t think you should have mention it.

And I don’t think editing post is allowed.

My top evil read now is cbman.

seems random and meaning less. just grammar edit’s really.

You can say that, or you, in truth, are changing the content of the post. Just don’t do it.

also I could care less, either if I live or die, it wont change anything for you guys. any at all, I’d rather change them to add a coma or a period or spelling mistakes in the same post, if I keep adding post to my messages to correct myself, it would be spammy. and I’d prefer not so, also I didn’t remove any content only added.

@JammySplodge It’s fine right jammy? can’t you see what has been changed? I didn’t know if you could or not just asking. I know Damafaud doesn’t know what I say is true or not regarding either if my original post are intact. but if I want to say something else I just make another post, didn’t want to make spammy postings.

anyways back on topic, it is possible that a neutral killer doesn’t exist. though I can’t deny there isn’t anyway. however I am certain someone knows something an is just in hiding.

I saw you editing in the content of the whisper sent to you, so yeah.

A Neutral Killer spot exist on the role list. They exist. Contradiction can’t exist here. There IS a Neutral Killer among this 15 players.

@Damafaud Well I did but only added to it, As I thought adding the whole thing rather than just one word would be better, anyways that has nothing to do with this and arguing something like that is trivial. What do you think of that? for what reason would this be used for, it would help me, or do anything. It is seemly pointless also then what reason would a neutral killer have to not just kill someone already by now? searching for the right person to kill? I’m not saying for anyone to kill but you 'd expect a neutral killer as there role to kill, maybe one of us is just trying to play mind games with us.

@Damafaud I mean’t it wouldn’t help me, as you wanted here is another post correcting my self.

Nothing here is really putting off any kinds of leads, or any flags of any kind, it’s all just speculation, I think we all are just running are wheel’s right now. @Damafaud also I asked you but you didn’t answer what makes you think of @anon98616575 ?

I’ve been up for a long time now, and I’m tired, I need some rest…:confounded: you all pick this up after this and discuss while I’m gone, Talk later.

Have a good day/night everyone!

When orange vote for Ala, he quickly jump on the wagon and start voting her, providing no reason of his own other than that Alfa is suspicious of him. When Alfa give a reasoning to her behavious, instead of pushing further, he quickly unvote. He look to me as someone who want a mislynch, but doesn’t want to get any suspicion on him.

/vote cbman

I can hop on this. @Queen_Alfa I still need more from you.

orange, can you trust me for now? I think Alfa is clear. She want to stimulate conversation but doesn’t know how.

(Do eagle and sparrow are really related to duck?)

That is possible, and obviously I do or else I wouldn’t have hopped on to the cb lynch.

Also, what’s up with the bird metaphors? Does that make cbman the chicken? :stuck_out_tongue:

pls no post edit

I’ll revert every edited post I see

##Remember kids, unbolded votes drown goats
##save the goats, bold your votes

What bird metaphor?

Oh? Was that not a metaphor?

Apparently I’m just reading between the lines too much.