Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

We’re not getting anywhere due to activity.

So either pick to vote up or ignore the reaped target. Either way, VOTE.

Fine I vote Fade /Vote Fade chances are he may already be dead, and as such can’t speak, it’s near the end of the day so this is my final say, I think fade is the best starting point. He should have said something already by now, and no matter how you look at it, He could have been reaped, he had enough time to talk and respond to us, yet he stay’s quite, and since he is periodically active like me, I don’t believe he would just stop talking for no reason. So I say it again the starting point is Fade. This is the only choice now, we need more info, and this seems to be the best start to go with. Have a say in this matter people, open your eye’s , think about it! it’s a dead end at this point if we don’t do this now. So pick up your will and vote! King @suddenlyANerd approve of this request we must continue and thus must do so!
@orangeandblack5 you are right we have to do something now, now you VOTE.

/vote Fade

/vote D

close enough

/Vote Fade

;^; I’ll just help this along…


/Vote Fade

Okay I see this makes sense as he is almost certainly reaped anyway we don’t lose anything just gain info

/vote Fade

/vote Fade
For the reasons Anthony outlined.

Imagine if he turned out to be a Fool.

Be funny but I have a gut feeling that he isn’t so be rest assured.

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Plus what would be the chances that he’d be a Fool anyway’s 1/30+?

on the off chance that he is a Fool, just a couple days we wouldn’t be able to lynch in game time, so that isn’t that bad of a penalty for us, I say we have chance on our side with this one.

also jammy why is your dates always backwards? as far as I know there is no 14th month in this world line.

Jammy is a filthy brit.

You guys are the backward american.

I mean, month before date? Wow.

Eeeewwww Americans

I think I’m late to end the day

Ehh, whatever, y’all can have a bit more time

My dates are the correct dates