Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

true, I would put it into my note’s. but theoretically I could be reckless, but I say that probably wouldn’t help me unless I was for sure.

Being experienced with this. I have seen Mafia members fool everyone that they are trustworthy by actively hunting for Mafia. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the Black Rose faction is someone we trust.

I am not saying this to get everyone at each others throats but be cautious.

well of course they are! We just don’t know whom all is in BR, which is a disadvantage for us, but we have to stay vigilant.

The real question is: Why no kills?
It’s been four days.

Um well it would be worse with no kills happened at all, fade reaped, Schultz killed by Alchemist. so we have that much now.

Still not much.

Except that we now know there is an Alchemist and he only has one poison left.

We could save this for later game.

I think either the Alchemist want to help BD and he suspect Schultz as an active scum hunting BR, or that Schultz pushed a lynch for Alchemist earlier.

I prefer the former, though.

Also, who knock on my door and occupy my night? I got RB’ed.

You know someone was prolly reaped last night right? Prtty sure not everyone has spoken.[quote=“PolikShadowbliss, post:635, topic:253”]
The only logical reason I can think of is that the Alchemist grew bored with the no kills and decided to kill someone at random to speed things up.

also if I was alchemist I would definitely do this no one dying is boring af.

Schultz was the one who has been most heavily pushing for a lynch these last few days so maybe that is why he was poisoned. Which now I think about it is kinda weird cuz If i was Alchemist I would want a lynch every day seeing as I’d have no allies anyway so I’d have to survive for less time. Hm.

Keep in mind. This is the first time anyone has played these roles.


Which means we are left without a clue or someone aggressive to start a vote. Also, is the message for Roleblocks differ from role to role?

The only roleblock message I see in the OP is “Someone occupied your night.”

shit ok i’m here not reaped, sorry

i slept peacefully

At times of crisis we should look to the King as our leader. Then, if he gives the wrong answers he can get poisoned or hung :wink:

I dunno but this day seems pretty unfocused so we should start somewhere.

The only lead we have is Jord.

I suggest we start there.

Minimal reading of thread done.


King - suddentyANerd
Mastermind/Cult Leader
Assassin/Random Cult
Sheriff/Paladin - Fade - Sheriff
Blue Dragon Support - Physician
Blue Dragon Investigator - Schultz - Princess
Random Blue Dragon - Butler
Random Blue Dragon -
Random Blue Dragon -
Random Blue Dragon -
Random Blue Dragon -
Neutral Killer - Posessor
Neutral Non-Killer - Alchemist
Random Neutral

n1- wildraven - attacked but survived
n1- jord - not br, blue dragon
d1- damfaud implied investigative on zuchinni
n2 - schultz rbed - Invoker, Wizard, Fool, and Possessor

I’m in support of a massclaim. Physician, Butler, Alchemist, and Prince all claim fools?

How do you get a Physician?

Wait, I’m dumb.

Can sheriff roll in RBD with a Cult? @JammySplodge