Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

I slept peacefully.

But, as deadfrien pointed out, Jord is confirmed BD by the Sheriff will (unless I’m forgetting a possibility for that result to be inaccurate) (though you are confirmed Prince so that’s obviously just forgetting something rather than a scumtell). What in particular makes you want to kill deadfrien? And yeah, I do admit a lot of what I’ve been doing this game could be seen as sheeping, that’s just bad play on my part and I’ll try to do more from now on.

@deadfrien I claim BD, and, if the Butler has not been converted, I implore them not to use poison wine.

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For that I’ll assume that they claimed Physician and RN/Alechemist, and I’ll trust for now that Polik is Butler.

And the Butler CAN’T use Poison Wine if converted, and I doubt that a Neutral was converted, so it’s primarily between @suddenlyANerd and @PolikShadowbliss for that :confused:

@Anthony_Python, you need to reveal. “Random Neutral” could be any of the 5 neutrals, and we need to know which for the survival of the BD.

Until he does, I recommend @Damafaud to jail Anthony (please)

I’ll also /vote Xerxes until he claims.

And the reason I didn’t protect Dama, @Hippolytus, is because I forgot to enter a night action, tbh ;; Sorry about that

I’ll attack moonbird tonight, if I die, he’s clear. If he’s dead… ;3

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I will not confirm or deny that I am indeed the Bulter.

As for Xerxes, I will abstain until more information is said.

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Misread, I thought you WERE Butler. Still, I can’t trust you, assuming the Butler may have been converted.

So I’ll assume at this point that Yau, Orange, and Polik are the 2 BD and RN/Alchemist, but that would mean King is BR. :confused:

Interesting enough, why is everyone assuming the Bulter has been converted?

Strangely specific, don’t you think?

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It’s mainly me.

The Physician isn’t converted, since we got a public death message.
I know I’m not converted, but take that with a grain of salt.
The only Neutral that can be converted is the Mercenary, and I doubt there’s one in game. IF there is, they might be converted, but it’s a small percentage.
And the Observer also might be converted. I forgot :confused: Still, I doubt it’s him to a certain extent.
And maybe Jordarrian was, but I seriously doubt that, tbh I don’t even know his role, haha (─‿‿─)

So it’s most likely the Butler or King from my eyes.


That’s good.

Have any explanation about the lack of kills?

I have no clue what the Possessor is doing. I think that:

  1. The PO and RE keep getting rb’d or prevented
  2. The PO keeps possessing people who’re in jail.
  3. The person is afk
  4. They’re simply not killing

This is what I could come up with.

Not sure about what the Black Rose is doing. Maybe the same as above.

I have no f***ing clue what the NK or BR is doing

This is strange.

I think people have been reaped, though. :confused:

A bit too many afk players.

I agree.

But how did the Reaper get the entire Black Rose faction?

hello claiming


If I’m converted, I’m an auto lynch. Black rose, there is no strategical advantage to converting me.

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I don’t know if the Reaper got the entire BR, but I think my previous analysis is completely wrong now.

On the other hand, I’ve been reading the posts:
Yau, Xerxes, Moonbird, and Jordarrian all haven’t spoken for several days. Dunno if reaped or AFK.
Orange is pretty much confirmed. The Prince is pretty sure of him, and he called out Alfa pretty early.
Even more sure Anthony is sus, so Dama pls jail.
Unsure about Xerxes at this point. He might be a reaped BR.

AGAIN, this is all assumption.

@JammySplodge, please yell at everyone in the discord to get on :confused:

It wouldn’t do any one any good to jail me, except me to talk to Damafaud, also can any one except Damafaud kill me while in jail? if not I would be safer there anyway’s.

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also again like I said some one occupied me last night.

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There’s no need to jail Anthony.

/Vote Xerxes

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##I cannot enforce activity without telling players information they should not know
##This is annoying

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(just wanna know how active is everyone?)

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I usually just wait a little while for people to post read through and post my informed answer.

You didn’t visit Damafaud the Prince last night even though i dunno who else you would heal.

Seems legit -_-