Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

also, can we switch it up to days are 4 instead of 5? https://www.piliapp.com/timer/countdown/ so we can use this since 4 days is 94 hours so everyone won’t have to question when its time for night

The Assassin can use nightshade, but the player will know.

…as Fade completely ignores the conversation from earlier.

Look, even though I’m right there with you, asking for shorter days is a bad idea. So let’s not do it.


Talk please.

Wait a second…


Missed @yauaustin202, sorry.

Only @Wildraven hasn’t talked. Either Reaped or inactive af.

I want shorter days so we can keep track of how long we have

WildRaven hasn’t been seen on forum either.

@Anthony_Python I believe Paladin will exist when Cult is in game just like Sheriff with Black Rose.

So we have settled we have Cult and not Black Rose.

No we haven’t?


right now the day and night combined take 7 days we will be lucky if we can end this by the end of 2 months. I don’t care what you say that is way to long

fuck i forgot

jammy why didnt u PM me bitch

whats going on too many spamm

You were attacked but you survived

I knew it, some bitches hate me

I bet it was either xerxes or jordarian, I dont have other enemies LOL

I want to question how did you survive?

should I softclaim? never played ToL before, dunno what’s the strategy here

there is no strategy X3 just do whatever you think is best

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wait, gotta ask Jammu what to do XD

alright if we still assume the reaper is the killer that means the cult is not our foe but the black rose since if raven was killed by cult the cult member would of died.

would of? not would have?

maybe? maybe not who knows

Wait a second, since everyone talked does this mean we don’t have a reaper? Because I see no reason for them not to reap n1