Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

yes, we don’t have a reaper everyone has talked today.

We’ve had longer games on our ToS forums. This is nothing.

wait really? how long did town of salem games on fourm take?

Minimum would be a little under a month. Although we’ve had like 30 player games which take about 3-4 months

So I think it’s safe to assume that the neutral killer is most likely the Possessor. Still, the NK/NC could be explained if they hit him, and he doesn’t want to out.
There could also be a pro Court Wizard or Physician, but no one has said they were healed or roleblocked, so doubt it.
I’m sure the Prince and his visior would keep their visit secret.

Pretty sure the most likely thing is that Posessor attacked WildRaven, and there is a Cult which converted someone.

So (most likely) the current case:
Cult Leader
1 converted role (Cult)
1 NI role (maybe) [Raven]

This isn’t set in stone, but I’d say it’s a safe assumption at this time.

Longest forum Mafia game ever (not on ToS) is currently a game where the day phase is six months and the night phase is six months. They’re on Day 2 right now.

Who is crazy enough to join that game?

How many people are still in it?

Raven would have to be incredibly stupid to not claim to have slept peacefully if they weren’t BD.

I’ve seen raven do stupid things in FM tbh. He got kicked for trolling just to “find scum” and claims that’s how it works in ToS

shut up kid, you know nothing

I know that trolling is not a method of scum hunting. All your doing is baiting people.

A game has never taken that long ever

If he’s Fool or actually Scum, he’s an awesome player imo.

Otherwise, f— him. (─‿‿─)

fuck my fingers were on the wrong buttons when I typed the numbers

realizes i broke a rule

mods don’t banhammer me please. it was an accident


-Holding a chainsaw with “Ban” written on it- Oh, so I’m not suppose to use this?


Please, no weapons with “ban” on them…