Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

But… I wanted to use my ban chainsaw ;^; aw, okay warning for you, no more f-bombs or you’ll come in contact with this chainsaw X3


[20 character l]

Jordanian beware alfa. she scares me a lot as well

Did you just assume my user?

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say that one more time and alfa will the last of your fears

and no I said your name if you can’t tell that I don’t know whats wrong with you


there’s a difference

just for that I will keep calling you Jordanian


[20 c]

I have never trolled anything, stop spreading lies.

And I think we have a Cult in this game.


@JammySplodge can you enforce the “No editing posts” rule

The magic of “reversion” can instantly turn any edited post back to it’s original state! Magic!

/vote Wild
Town or Scum, he’ll be harmful no matter which faction he’s in.

Care to give some solid examples of Raven being a good policy lynch?

Read the NFM game link I just provided (before the kick)

he just hates me coz I called him a kid

Jord, yeah I read nfm screens and? dont get waht was wrong there

and it’s so silly and childish to post some screenshoots about other game to make someone look bad

I assume you are angry because you couldn’t kill me last night and now you try to lynch me

Guys, play nice. You are all acting like a bunch of Fools right now :joy:

just cuz we’re all plotting to kill each other doesn’t mean we have to be savage af bout’ it :wink:

What idiot mafia would try to push a lynch on someone they tried to kill the previous night?

I can’t tell if everyone is actually pissed off at each other, or if you are all desperately attempting to scum read each other.