Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

Also Jammy, change the title to make it say Day 1 you nerd

-kisses Fade on the cheek- have a sweet rest darling~

Oh my flubbernut Pelor Tord really


This is off to a FANTASTIC start


[20 character]

Bite cookie

I’m glad I’m not King. That crown sure looks heavy.

Hello, my loyal subjects. Feel free to just call me Nerd (this name’s short for Suddenly_A_Nerd_Appeared).

Long live the King!

##7/15 players confirmed

D1 Surv claim pls no kill :wink:

##Note: Day Abilities can be performed today even though it is a short day

When does this day end? 5 days time right?

Day ends when everyone confirms

##Awaiting confirmation from:

/vote Jordarrian

Stale memes.

no voting day 1 but you can use day powers

It’s called meme voting. They’re not real votes, but used as a joke

[20 characters]


Can we get less fluffing please?


The question is whether this game tilt toward Forum Mafia or ToS.

None. I’ll try to drift this away from the two so it can be it’s own unique mafia style

Ey, my comrades , It has been quite a good day today, I haven’t had a Ice Storm put over my head as of yet for today!