Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

jammy you need to modkill alfa asap

we will really play on that ugly thing?

If you have problems with this forum, the door’s right over there.

Besides, a forum like this wasn’t exactly designed for stuff like this

there’s no need to be rude

Ha ha, rude. Says the guy who called this forum ugly.

And I wasn’t being rude. I was politely suggesting something to you

confirm anyway ;p

how is calling a forum ugly a rude thing? lol did the forum got touched by that?

I’m not even gonna start on why your logic is wrong


I sent a PM.

But I will do it here.

Just to show that I was here and around.

my freinds what brings you all to the castle?

-Sipping tea next to Fade, eyes shut and relaxing-

when is this day going to end?

##Awaiting confirmation from

##Someone whispered…
##I have made a huge mistake

-has gone from sitting next to @FadeBlade to sitting on him sipping tea- 0ω0

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did a physic just send a public message? or did a butler send a whisper one by one? we should know which it is

because right now I have no clue and it would be very easy to tell what it is

##Psychic messages will be posted in the thread

So a Butler then.

[20 characters]

alright the butler just spoke with everyone

What’s a zucchini? Is that even a fruit?