Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

I, for one, was never good at that. My vote stands

Well, one vote won’t hurt.

We haven’t posted anything sufficient enough for reads anyway.

But as far as I know, the most active player at the moment seems to be orangeandblack.
The second most active is myself.

I side with Jordarrian without enough proof we will blame each we don’t have any proof and I rather not blame anyone

I do as well but I still think we need reads.

As much as I really don’t want to NoLynch, we may have to.

Either way, I’m not voting until everybody talks.

I think the only ones to not yet talk are yao, cb, and Wild. I expect something from all of you SOON.


That may be simply because they are not online.

i was leaning towards cult cause no kills /shrug

But then again, its first day, something really flubbernutting weird is going on



Need to add that to my list of family-friendly “curses”.

Talking like that makes you seem like you want to die

Oh. A Fool read so soon? How interesting.

what do you speak of?

Perhaps I was putting too much into your post but it looks as if you were implying that Orangeandblack was The Fool.

now that you say it. I can see you would think that. anyway, I know those who want random lynches are always evil since it always helps them. anyway, I believe the neutral killer is a reaper. 1 of us won’t be talking for now

And I see why you would assume that a NoLynch would be evil.

After all, a hasty NoLynch just ends the day and let’s the Evil faction do what they want with no harm at all.

This is why I want the day for reads.


How does a person get read

A No Lynch is a stupid idea. We should never no lynch, the information from a player’s flip is too important. If we end up pushing a BD role, then the Protective or Watcher roles can keep that player protected.

hmmm, I don’t know what to make of this, It could be either, however the better question is, do we have a paladin or Not? if we find this info then we will know it is the Cult or BR. Also on the side note we must be wary of what plausibility the neutral players could be, Reaper is a good chance, the fool could also be in play, but there is other neutral’s than them such as The Mercenary, The Possessor, and The Alchemist. I’m not to worried about a Alchemist among us rather more for a Reaper and/or a Possessor.

##Whispers aren’t a thing in this game except if you’re the Bulter or Sercant orr whatever
##I am aware that every class can Whisper but
##A. I do not wish to torture myself
##B. I have found that whispers in FM don’t really work well or add anything
##and C. I only found out that every class can Whisper after the game started, and I shall not retroactively change my game

##Thank you