Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

Are you implying that I’m evil because I said that I would like to lynch, but have come to the conclusion that that may well be a bad idea?

Why would I say I have scummy motivations but I’m not going to act on them?

Plus, I don’t remember ever advocating for a random lynch.

Either way, the information from a flip might be worth it. At the very least, we should lynch one of our people that aren’t talking (hopefully only one will still be in that position by then), because there’s a higher chance of them being reaped, and unless I don’t understand the Reaper you can’t be saved after the fact.

yes, the info we will get out of random lynching is more likely to help the cult more than us so they know who the convert
and the biggest reason yet
I don’t care what your reasons are it annoys people and we are here to have fun

I dont think it was scummy of orangeandblack to say that about NoLynching. Cuz of the whole conversion thing it is annoying when u can’t lynch because you are making more and more enemies every day.

I was thinking pretty much the same thing.

if he votes to random lynch someone you can bet I will vote him for it

Fade, you might just be the outward scummiest player I’ve ever played with to a ridiculous extent.

Therefore, I’m assuming you’re Fool or VI.

Why else would you try to shut down lynching somebody that is already dead lol

because we have no proof they are dead now do we? all your doing right now is assuming but do we have any proof yet? No! so you may be killing someone who is alive

But if they are the only one not talking by the end of the day, do we really care?

I won’t risk killing anyone innocent. unless you can prove 100% that they are dead then I will consider it. but as off now I don’t think killing anyone is needed

(also whats VI this is not part of chat just wondering)

Nobody tell him unless he proves himself to not be one.

-sips tea- very interesting that the cult is once again the only one mentioned by someone like the BR… While we don’t know if we have BR or Cult… Anthony seems to be the only logical one at this moment. While we don’t know if we have Br or Cult… Those people targeting one of the evil faction I must ask: Do you know something that we don’t? Because it is quite strange to target one evil faction when another could be in play, no?

I only thought it is the cult becuase no kills last night so I think the cult is getting members

Acting as if there’s Cult is acting in fear of WCS. It’s a good idea.

(not to imply that we should ignore the possibility of BR - rather, we should act as if we’ve already lost one to the evil faction)

-sigh- because the reaper has the power to rip the souls from someone’s body I will vote but only someone who you think is dead and has not talked. if it turns out they are not dead they will be removed is that a deal? no other info

That’s my plan. I was going to reluctantly NoLynch, but lynching a reaped target is much better.

Now if the other two could just talk…

who are the 2?

lets vote 1 up to see

Problem is none of the three have been on in the past day

Village Idiot

So far I’m putting everyone as town, but I’m gonna keep a close eye on Fade throughout the day.

so now what? shall we just wait for them?

@JammySplodge include a timeline in the OP please