The Acolyte(Killer Cult)

The Acolyte :crossed_swords: :mithras:

Night Abilities:

Bloody Trap - Select a cult member, anyone who visits them tonight will be occupied, (Unless Immune).(3 uses)

^Good to Pair with Invoker’s “String of Mithras” to prevent a class from doing there ability

Infected Wound - Cause a player to bleed, the player you selected will be told they were wolfed(unless bleed is undistinguished, like nightshade poison)(2 uses)
^Good if you were previously hunter, and someone asks you to wolf

Day Abilities:

Devils Protection - Make a Cult Member immune to death tonight.(2)

What does this convert from?

Killer BD(e.g Knight and Hunter)

So it should be Cult killer. Also, it’s pretty much decided the name for Cult Killer conversions should be Acolyte.

Ok Will change now!

So, Bloody Trap seems way too powerful to be anything but a one-use. Extra kills on Cult feel unnececary anyway.

Bleeding to prove Hunter is good, but I’d rather make Wolf just indistinguishable from Rupture and Nighthsade by rolling them all into one. Still a decent idea.

Devil’s Proection is… Eh? Seems to have too limited use to be good on Cult.

Should Bloody Trap make anyone who visits the member of cult occupied that was what I was going to do originally, but I decided to change it.