When they make a healer not immune to bleeds
Well, lets see what the announced balance patch brings.
One thing though - bleed and poison is not a good way to deal with alch when another healer is present.
… or if its late game and the game will be over next day.
JOAT-chemist is fine conceptually imo, if it’s too powerful and wins a lot we can just tone back its abilities further
Brain: I actually like JOAT-alch as well, I just wish it didn’t have the invest ability, and it could do with a bit less survivability.
Heart: DELET
Burrito: If we are really calling a 39% winrate class OP then what about Fool and Sellsword?
Who called it OP?
I’d reduce heals by 1 or 2 and replace invest ability with a bus-driver which can target-self.
Not you
Why reduce the heals?
Cuz if you replace invest with bus-driver he can use bus-driver to protect himself as well, it just takes more skill than mindless healing himself.
Right but since it doesn’t actually ensure he stays alive and he also wouldn’t have Truth Pot which is important in his current kit it all balences out on it’s own
Truth pot is awful. Why does he need to invest. Just fucks up evils, especially the mastermind.
He doesn’t need it. But it is useful to him. At least as useful as 2 bus drives
Definately, but I am thinking about how it affects other classes and the game as a whole not just alchemist. You are just thinking about alchemist. A neutral surv having invests is a bad idea full stop tbh.
He doesn’t need it so don’t give it to him
I don’t need infinite stone skins but it’s useful
I am arguing why he doesn’t need to lose heals to counterbalence getting a bus drive ability
lol wot.
You clearly are arguing that truth pot should stay in lol
No. I’m arguing that losing Truth potion is enough of a loss to counterbalance gaining a Bus Drive