The Alchemist- Is the current Alchemist good or not?

I liked playing as alchemist.
And… nothing of that changed.
It is very powerful, and fun.
If I have it.

If it supports my enemies with its very powerful abilities…
and it turns the neutral slot into a very powerful BD(or, much more rarely, Unseen/Cult) slot.
I don’t like it these times.
And now guess what happens more often.

I don’t think that making Alchemist more powerful was a good idea.
In beta we had no survivability. That turned out to be horrible for Alch.
In beta we had provability. That turned out to be bad.
Now we have survivability and high power. This doesn’t look good for me. It decides games on a whim while being strongly discouraged to kill.
Survivability and zero other powers has also been tried in a different game and turned out to be one of the most boring classes ever.

With the surviving wincondition, I unfortunately see no alternative, save for changing the win condition.
If the current player base likes the alch regardless of these flaws - then fine.
Does it?

The real solution is to change its wincon to bomb prince N1

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I really want a flip floppy neutral where’s it’s Win condition changes everyday
One is BD
Two is neutral
Three is unseen

Then you would have to plan ahead


That’s also a bad class for several reasons though.

What about changing its Win condition to heal 2 players and bomb 2 players :thinking:

That sounds too easy tho

Swingy as shit but RNG is always fun. :wink:

Let them choose if they want BD to lose by d1 or d2 so they can’t just betray whoever and actually have to outplay people.

It would be but it sounds fun for rolemadness not turbo tho

Nah, change to Kill Prince and we’re good. :wink:

No it sounds too easy.
But it is actually too difficult.
2 successful bombs and heals - especiall heals… if the evils dont use their bleeds and such getting 2 heals in is difficult.
And bombs shorten the game. You need at least 4 nights, probably more.

Even still all my suggestions were bad and I can’t think of a single good one, i can’t see an alt alch win con

bazingaboy, that will not really help to solve the problem.
“Oh there were 2 invincible and unconvertable alchs siding with bd and we lost. We had no chance!”


What about making Alchemist convertable?

Make scorned convertible, if you want to make alch convertable at least make it slightly more BD sided and get rid of truth potions

Infinite heals and 2 bombs BUT now is convertible even give it more BD power

Thing is… It is still swingy though.

that’s the nature of a king maker

Yeah. But convertability is a possible solution because - lets face it - the evils have no other good options to deal with alchs.

They could make it so bleed/poison kills them in one day?

Overpowered imo

Alch is currently bleed/poison immune.

This is incorrect unless they changed it back

oh yeah
forget it.