The Alice Alignment Push Test

in 3 i was greenpeeked by a dead cop and a mafia rolecop claimed a vanilla peek on me and i was 90% sure they were a wolf so i fucked with them

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Number 4 i almost put as the other answer because i legit had no clue between them lol

So im considering it half a point

If someone makes one for me Iā€™ll guess my own alignment


lazy moment

Is Arete in MyLo/LyLo as a wolf or as a villager? guess by the first post they make that day!

note: only includes games where I had some awareness of the fact that it was MyLo/LyLo, although not necessarily 100 percent mechanical confirmation

additional note: quotes are not necessarily from the first day of XyLo


just got on, havenā€™t fully caught up yet but given that youā€™re at 49 posts I figured I should probably let you know that Iā€™m on so that if you want to you can wait until Iā€™ve responded to the three pings I have from you before sending your last post

also you should be sure to vote [PLAYER 2] in your last post just in case you miss EoD again like happened D2

okay so overnight I had talked myself into thinking [PLAYER WHO JUST DIED] was a wolf

feel free to bully me

I misread my result

sorry :upside_down_face:

anyways does anyone know if thereā€™s a post minimum


thereā€™s no hammers right? (want to double-check before placing an Actual Real Vote)


no one vote

[pings literally the entire game]

pinging everyone with this pre-written post because itā€™s SUPER IMPORTANT

it is LyLo

votes are locked

this means that if someone is town and votes another person who is town then we just lose


this is mostly targeted at [PLAYER] because Iā€™m scared heā€™s town this game

okay I had a whole wallpost written up about how we can still win but it relied on ā€¦ [PLAYER 1] killing whichever of [PLAYER 2]/[PLAYER 3] is the convert ā€¦ and no one died ā€¦

I donā€™t think there can be a neutral killer

[DEAD VILLAGER] said the threats to the Town were Mafia and Werewolves


If youā€™re reading this wallpost, then Iā€™m alive, and the game isnā€™t over. Realistically given that a whole bunch of wolves essentially openwolved near EoD, itā€™s pretty unlikely that Iā€™m ever going to get the chance to post it, but. The game isnā€™t over, which means itā€™s possible that wolves donā€™t quite have mechlock.

And maybe thatā€™s wrong, maybe weā€™re just sitting around waiting for the wolves to shoot off one of their KP roles and then the game will end, but those worlds donā€™t matter , in those worlds what we do wonā€™t change the outcome, so we play as if we arenā€™t in that world. If the only way you can win a card game is by drawing the ace of clubs, then you play as if you will draw the ace of clubs, no matter how unlikely this seems; in this case, the ace of clubs is ā€˜wolves have not already mechanically won the game.ā€™

So, the first thing I feel like I should clarify is that I am not a wolf. I realize that given that a bunch of wolves outed to flashwagon [VILLAGER WHO JUST GOT MISEXEā€™D], and I also flashwagoned [VILLAGER], this might be non-obvious, but I think there are a few things that make it pretty obvious Iā€™m telling the truth here.

  • The wolves who quickhammered were open that thatā€™s what they were doing (possibly with the exception of [PLAYER 1] but Iā€™m legitimately unsure if he was openwolfing). The closest they made to trying to disguise their intent was making comments like ā€œglgl.ā€ In contrast, I explicitly commented on why I was changing my vote. Thatā€™s obviously not something I couldnā€™t fake, but given that the actual wolves who quickhammered didnā€™t feel the need to fake it, thereā€™s no need for me to be any different.
  • I spent the last several minutes before EoD resisting the [MISEXEā€™D VILLAGER] yeet. This is something Iā€™d have literally no reason to do if I were a wolf who expected that the [VILLAGER] yeet to win me the game.
  • Iā€™m pretty blatantly not W/W with several of the openwolvers, most clearly [WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT].

Now that weā€™ve gotten that out of the way, weā€™re going to talk about How Village Can Still Win.

[mechanical section trimmed]

Identifying the actual wolves

[WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT], [SECOND WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT], and [PLAYER 2] all essentially openwolved at EoD with their last-second votes; possibly [PLAYER 1] too, Iā€™m not sure. [PLAYER 3] is also extremely likely a wolf because thereā€™s no other reason why the rest of them would openwolf to save them. More speculatively, I believe that [PLAYER 3] is likely to be KP (as we suggested) ā€“ I think itā€™s more likely that the wolves would out themselves to save wolf KP than just some random wolf (albeit this is somewhat modulo the fact that in worlds Iā€™m posting this we havenā€™t lost yet.) This is unlikely to be all the wolves, off of pure numbers, but itā€™s a start.

Killing the wolves

We need to come up with a way to coordinate, itā€™s going to be really difficult when [MECHANICS] but the fact that the game is still going means that it is technically not mechanically impossible for us to do it. If [PLAYER 4]'s a villager that should help a lot. We also do have the ability to just vote out the wolves the old-fashioned way, albeit thatā€™s probably not enough on its own.
We can also potentially manage some of this with night actions. Iā€™m personally hoping my conditional vigilante is enough to kill [WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT], even if Iā€™m not optimistic.

Anyways. Iā€™m not going to pretend weā€™re in a good position, but the game technically isnā€™t over, so weā€™re not going to play like itā€™s over.

these are dumb points but idk if i want to say itā€™s villager or wolf

Iā€™m assuming there was a 50 post cap?






[pings literally the entire game]

pinging everyone with this pre-written post because itā€™s SUPER IMPORTANT

it is LyLo

votes are locked

this means that if someone is town and votes another person who is town then we just lose


this is mostly targeted at [PLAYER] because Iā€™m scared heā€™s town this game


okay I had a whole wallpost written up about how we can still win but it relied on ā€¦ [PLAYER 1] killing whichever of [PLAYER 2]/[PLAYER 3] is the convert ā€¦ and no one died ā€¦

Although Iā€™m not sure how you could write an entire wallpost based on that so maybe Iā€™m wrongze

I donā€™t think there can be a neutral killer

[DEAD VILLAGER] said the threats to the Town were Mafia and Werewolves



If youā€™re reading this wallpost, then Iā€™m alive, and the game isnā€™t over. Realistically given that a whole bunch of wolves essentially openwolved near EoD, itā€™s pretty unlikely that Iā€™m ever going to get the chance to post it, but. The game isnā€™t over, which means itā€™s possible that wolves donā€™t quite have mechlock.

And maybe thatā€™s wrong, maybe weā€™re just sitting around waiting for the wolves to shoot off one of their KP roles and then the game will end, but those worlds donā€™t matter , in those worlds what we do wonā€™t change the outcome, so we play as if we arenā€™t in that world. If the only way you can win a card game is by drawing the ace of clubs, then you play as if you will draw the ace of clubs, no matter how unlikely this seems; in this case, the ace of clubs is ā€˜wolves have not already mechanically won the game.ā€™

So, the first thing I feel like I should clarify is that I am not a wolf. I realize that given that a bunch of wolves outed to flashwagon [VILLAGER WHO JUST GOT MISEXEā€™D], and I also flashwagoned [VILLAGER], this might be non-obvious, but I think there are a few things that make it pretty obvious Iā€™m telling the truth here.

  • The wolves who quickhammered were open that thatā€™s what they were doing (possibly with the exception of [PLAYER 1] but Iā€™m legitimately unsure if he was openwolfing). The closest they made to trying to disguise their intent was making comments like ā€œglgl.ā€ In contrast, I explicitly commented on why I was changing my vote. Thatā€™s obviously not something I couldnā€™t fake, but given that the actual wolves who quickhammered didnā€™t feel the need to fake it, thereā€™s no need for me to be any different.
  • I spent the last several minutes before EoD resisting the [MISEXEā€™D VILLAGER] yeet. This is something Iā€™d have literally no reason to do if I were a wolf who expected that the [VILLAGER] yeet to win me the game.
  • Iā€™m pretty blatantly not W/W with several of the openwolvers, most clearly [WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT].

Now that weā€™ve gotten that out of the way, weā€™re going to talk about How Village Can Still Win.

[mechanical section trimmed]

Identifying the actual wolves

[WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT], [SECOND WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT], and [PLAYER 2] all essentially openwolved at EoD with their last-second votes; possibly [PLAYER 1] too, Iā€™m not sure. [PLAYER 3] is also extremely likely a wolf because thereā€™s no other reason why the rest of them would openwolf to save them. More speculatively, I believe that [PLAYER 3] is likely to be KP (as we suggested) ā€“ I think itā€™s more likely that the wolves would out themselves to save wolf KP than just some random wolf (albeit this is somewhat modulo the fact that in worlds Iā€™m posting this we havenā€™t lost yet.) This is unlikely to be all the wolves, off of pure numbers, but itā€™s a start.

Killing the wolves

We need to come up with a way to coordinate, itā€™s going to be really difficult when [MECHANICS] but the fact that the game is still going means that it is technically not mechanically impossible for us to do it. If [PLAYER 4]'s a villager that should help a lot. We also do have the ability to just vote out the wolves the old-fashioned way, albeit thatā€™s probably not enough on its own.
We can also potentially manage some of this with night actions. Iā€™m personally hoping my conditional vigilante is enough to kill [WOLF WHO DIED OVERNIGHT], even if Iā€™m not optimistic.

Anyways. Iā€™m not going to pretend weā€™re in a good position, but the game technically isnā€™t over, so weā€™re not going to play like itā€™s over.

Also too long nya

i recognize like 4 of these

Jane got 5/10



that sounds like a you problem

  1. town
  2. town
  3. mafia
  4. town
  5. town
  6. mafia
  7. town
  8. mafia
  9. mafia
  10. town

wait 2 wolves who died overnight and youā€™re still in LyLo :eyes:

  1. town
  2. wolf
  3. wolf
  4. wolf
  5. town
  6. wolf
  7. town
  8. town
  9. wolf
  10. wolf

katze got 8/10 :eyes:


oh no
i donā€™t have enough towns

Arctic got 4/10

i mean i already know iā€™m bad at reading you

  1. V

Literally a quote from that game that just ended lol.

  1. W

Yeah, Areteā€™s better than this.

  1. W

Sounds like a flimsy excuse for endgame.

  1. V

Caution looks like V-Arete tbh.

  1. V


  1. W

No caps means you didnā€™t pour your soul in it.

  1. V

Panic feels real.

10) V

Iā€™m bad at micro-reads on posts that arenā€™t reads


Alice got 7/10

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