The Alice Alignment Push Test

what could you possibly spam that will not get you modkilled in like an hour

asking for a friend

cat pictures

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Also since alice isnt responding in hijacking thread again to say that I physically cannot unmute marl

ive tried but he is permanently on muted
nothing i do takes him off of it, switching him to normal / blocked and then to normal

i cant get marl notifications


every marl like is a blank circle

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the most important part of maximizing how terrible your townplay:

making sure that people don’t mute you

how do you accomplish this?

secret details

become mod
that way they can’t mute you


clear cache it might be that the image is still cached

every time i re-check the page hes stuck on muted

clear browser history & cache

you’ll have to log in again but after that it should work

you don’t spam one thing repeatedly, cheese
you derail and cause thread to revolve around you by posting approximately 10 times per second


too much work with too many fancy words

ill figure out what a cache is eventually but until then marl remains an emotionless circle who cant ping me

that way you are following the rules
which allots you the ability to continue to influence thread

try now

when did you even mute me

she muted you when you were lolcatting in RWBY

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are you using chrome

oh it works now

thanks arete

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but she was a WOLF

no problem


TIL that I can force users to mute other users

it was still irritating to me lol

that was the point
being annoying is pro wolves

i mean yeah im not saying u shouldnt have im just saying that me specifically being annoyed isnt pro wolves so i took measures to stop that