Prince: i like to practice my art, and without being falsly praised just so people can get in the king’s favour.
makes sense
Okay, well, exploration time! Varis are you joining me?
yea I got time to kill
Prince: i’ll come with you, if you wish. i know the castle pretty well, i can be your guide… just give me some time to change clothes.
Still has her hand intertwined with Varis’s That would be wonderful princey, We’ll wait for you~
the prince smiles, and goes back up the stairs. he thinks: it looks like lucille found a lover… i hope it won’t end like the love stories she hates…
he goes to his room, changes back to his bard outfit, takes his lute, and comes back to lucille
Bard: so, do you want to start somewhere precise or just go where you feel like going?
Hm, anywhere honestly, where would we go in a castle?
Bard: well, there’s a lot of disceet, maybe even, secret rooms i can show you…
Secret rooms? Sounds interesting smiles
Bard: follow me, this way…
he goes to a corridor blocked off by guards. he raises a hand, and they get out of the way, letting the group pass through
The corridor is filled with painting, set regurlarly in the room. they are the portrait of every king of the kingdom
Bard: don’t touch anything… or else i’ll be in big trouble.
Of course looks around at all the different kings
go’s to touch but stops as soon as he says that
he walks in the corridor for a short while, and stops infront of a painting. upon close inspection, it looks like this one is tilted
The bard tilts the painting further, and a slot in the wall goes down, revealing small stears heading down to a room
Bard: alright, you go in there first, i’ll close the way once you’re in there.
enters 1st
0u0 goes down the stairs interesting~
the bard follows, and the painting and wall goes back into their place…
Bard: this is actually a secret room for the prince. currently, me. i’ll ask you not to mess with the instruments. You can play them, though.