The Castle Of Lightwood (Roleplay thread)

So the king didn’t eradicate them all it seems scoots over to Varis and begins smooshing around his face DoyourfangsretractDoesyoureyeseverturnadifferentcolourorsomethingandwhat’swiththebloodbaththatyoudidawhileagothatwasalotofwastedblood

speaks so fast that Varis can barely understand her

looks lost as hell. his fangs appeared to have retracted

Oh sorry, am I speaking too fast again?


I was commenting on your foolishness as to why the hell did you waste so much blood. And do your eyes change colours? I’m very curious.

well true. but they would of revealed to everyone what I was. so I kinda needed to kill them. and maybe I got no idea I can’t see my own eyes or my self in a mirror for that matter

(once this is done, i’ll timeskip to the morning)

Squishes Varis’s face more and begins rambling questions about vampires (You can time skip if you want, this will go on for a while)

your not scared of me? most people would run at the sight of a vampire

If you were in a pack. Yeah I would be scared, but you’re alone.

seeing how I am the only vampire left yea no more packs

as they were talking, the sun starts rising on the kingdom…

anyway whats your plan now you know what I am?

Mmm, research her eyes sparkles

so umm not tell everyone what I am?

in an hour, the doors will open again, and the castle will be full of nobles…

Of course! If I told anyone that would make you non-exclusive to me and probably make it so that I can’t conduct any experiments, cause you would be dead.

sigh don’t you have a mission to do with the king? or something

Oh, that, hm, I say that could wait (until dama gets on)

starts cleaning the blood up I may of went overboard