The Castle Of Lightwood (Roleplay thread)

growls and grabs the back of Varis’s shirt with her teeth and begins flying with him in her jaws

(Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?) yes

Oh, so you have a problem with it? drops Varis from all the way up high

turns back into a bat

Flies around and scoops up Varis in her jaw

(Bat? Could totally fit in a dragon’s mouth)

dodges (guess we gotta roll alfa)


(I’m not trying to hurt you)

aw, come on batty!

(fine) is picked up by the dragon

so why are you doing this?

So I don’t lose you Flies into a forest and sets Varis free Omg, you’re so tiny in my dragon form pokes Varis with a claw

turns back into a vampire really?

keeps poking Varis with her claw smalllll

dodges each time she trys to poke him

transforms back into a human and sits on a tree stump Look at the moon through the trees

its not turning me into ash

It’s only the sun which does that, also, why can’t you live off animal blood? Why human?

honestly I have no idea

That’s a wonderful explanation…

I honestly have no idea. we can only live of human blood. even the steak I had before could not feed me