the figure watches him
tired of the library?
the figure whispers to itself
read anything good?
more whispering
“A couple of good novels, but nothing much”
**turns around **how rude of me I never said my name. holds hand out for a handshake varis and whats yours?
the figure’s double voice splits into two different voices
the figure shakes Varis’ hand
well I bid you a good night walks away
the figure whispers to itself angrily as Varis walks away
you say something?
only one voice speaks this time
“just, uhhh, talking to myself”
well I will be off
whispering to self again
“Good, enjoy your night”
Drevis, startled by the disappearance of the thugs hurriedly exits the hideout
bumps into Drevis
Drevis: My mistake. I did not see where I was heading
you seem worried is something wrong?
Is full on passed out in her room
He adjusts the mask on his face
Drevis: None of anyone’s business.
He tries to go away and exits the castle
A burned torch is on the ground