The Celeste Dilemma

Shalln’t the good folk throw the court into a frenzy? As they appear to show semblances of deceit and falsehood? Why does thou not ruin hath thou call Celeste? Is a woman truly of great significance to have their own dilemma named after them? Of course, our court loves thous’t of all hoods, men and woman alike. Alas, the truth of my significance falls into our stars and under our envious moon hath watch.



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That is not possible since dilemma doesnt exist and therefore celeste does not either

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A translation, good kitten? Thou can not expect a translation for a theological idea or question. The falsehood that can be incorportated is much too of a threat to thou.

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Oh no an evil force has taken over Celeste

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The most evil force in the universe


How ghastly.

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