Passive 1 - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Passive 2 - If your target dies or gets executed. You will take the class of your target. Regardless if it’s a unseen or cult member (You will become the Mastermind or assassin before the lower ranked unseen member)
N1 - Stand guard. You and your target will get night immunity. All visitors will be redirected to you. (No bypass - 4 uses)
D1 - Mercenary Pressure. The court is forced to pardon your contract (1 use)
The Merc contract can’t be with:
Fool, Knight.
Special rules-
If assigned to Mastermind. You will become the Assassin or allied with the unseen and will wait until the assassin dies
Win con - Your target must survive. If he doesn’t then you must win as your targets win con.