The Death Game |

(I am) already holding pen


james did nothing. Simon examined the hole, big enough for a pen to fit through.

90% sure magnus only added this because you mentioned it.

Make that 100%.

/unscrew the ink reservoir from the pen and stick it up the hole

99% now because you said that but i still dont trust you completely :stuck_out_tongue:

You think we could salvage the flame thrower.

/steal the gun.

James stole Simonā€™s gun. Simon, using the pen reservoir, pushed up the fake bottom of the drawer, revealing a DeathNote Key.

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/take key

/toss gun into Simonā€™s cell.

hey james ill let you keep the gun as long as you agree to let me take any bullets we come across

No guns whatsoever.

that works too

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again tho, action economy.
why didnt you take it and throw it in one action?

The gun landed in the corner of Simonā€™s cell as Simon took the key.

/go to and search the exit

ā€˜Cause I was wondering if i should shoot you, keep it, or discard it. But Magnus let us live for ages I need death Game 1, so I decided to toss it.

/follow Simon.
Bet you itā€™s not that simple.

well duh
thats why im searching it