Welcome to EGGHUNT!
While this game is complicated, it should be fun, but be warned. This game took a week to plan, and I plan to add more to it before it officially starts. Like Regicide is Orange’s staple, this game is mine. I will need help hosting this.
You probably want to follow the Global Forum Rules.
Basic Rules
Every player will start out with a unique random Egg.
Your goal is to have the most points when one person is left alive. You do not have to be alive to win, and points are measured by the points of the person’s egg collection, and if you are still alive, also your held egg.
There are no bastard mechanics are in this game, so Ryan probably won’t try to kill me by the end of it.
The game is fit for 10-12 players. (Think Behind the Mask, but you don’t have to be alive to win, and there are eggs that can rotate between players instead.)
Day Rules
The Day phase lasts 72 hours.
During this phase, you can swap the egg you’re holding by typing publicly /swap egg with [second player], and if that player types /swap with [first player] back, you swap your held eggs.
You can also type /give to 1 and they have to /accept gift from 2 if they want the egg for free, although it probably isn’t a good idea to give your egg away.
You can lynch someone during this phase. Who ever hammers (places the final vote to reach majority on) a player will receive their held egg when they die.
Some egg abilities can be used during day.
Night Rules
The Night phase lasts 24 hours.
You are able to switch eggs from collection to hand during night.
You can leave a will.
Most egg abilities can only be used during night. You do not have to use an ability.
Egg Rules
If you have only one egg, that egg is automatically in your hand, and can not be placed into your collection.
If you have more than one egg, you can to choose what eggs are in your collection, but one egg (and only one) must always be in your hand.
You can only use your held egg’s abilities.
Eggs can not be stolen from collections, with two exceptions.
Every egg has a point value, and every egg has a hidden priority value.
If an egg had all it’s uses used up by a player, you must either give the egg to a player of your choice or give it to the player who currently has the least (or most, if you choose) points. Otherwise, it will be given to a random player. A player who receives an egg in this way will not know who gave it to them. If there is a tie between which player has the least (or most) points, the one who receives the egg is randomly chosen between them. The egg regains all of its uses when it is given to someone else.
If an egg has all of its uses used a given number of times, it goes rotten, and the rotten egg is revealed to all, but not the player who it belonged to (Although some specific eggs might). The rotten egg is discarded and worth 0 points.
If a person gets killed, that person’s held egg goes to the killer. If an egg is used and that egg is stolen the same night, it does not count unless the stolen egg has higher priority than the stealing one, and the stolen egg loses a use. The person who stole the egg then gives it to someone during the next night phase if the last use has been used by the person who had it last.
Egg Cards
The Golden Egg
5 Points, 3 Uses
One person can not use it more then once in a row. The only way they can use it again is if it is stolen and they get it back. You can do anything with this egg except instalynch and up its value. The golden egg has the highest priority, no exceptions. Unlike every other egg, you will not know how many times this egg has been used. If you use all of the uses, the egg shatters, and everyone who used the egg gets one fragment, which is worth 1 point each. Fragments can be swapped and stolen. If one person gets all three fragments, the egg is rebuilt and is again worth 5 points, but only has one use. Three random people get the fragments. This can happen infinitely. This is one of two eggs that can be stolen from collections. If someone tries to rob the holder of it, they will always get the golden egg, no matter if it’s in their collection or in their hands.
The Clumsy Egg
The clumsy egg is worth 1 point, and has 1 use. You can meet this eggs use limit 3 times, and this egg goes to a chosen player, but they know you gave it to them. When this egg is used, the user steals the held egg from a chosen player, but the player knows who stole it.
The Hot Potato
This egg goes off in 2 nights or days since you received it. If the egg is not defused by the end of the second night or day, you blow up and the egg goes with you. Nothing can prevent this. A defused hot potato is worth 5 points. If anyone tries to rob you, no matter if you are holding the egg or not, they get this message: “You thought you saw a golden egg, but it was a hot potato in disguise. That shit’s dangerous.” If you hold a hot potato, you can use it to try and find the fork. If you rob the person who has the fork, you automatically pick it up and eat the potato. The golden egg can also work as a defuser.
The Fork
Worth 3 points. Can only be used automatically, and can only be used one time if you have the hot potato. If used, this egg is worth nothing and instantly goes rotten. This egg can be stolen from collections if the thief has the hot potato.
The Mimic Egg
Worth 1 point. Has 1 use, and its use limit is used 5 times before it goes rotten. During the night, you can switch this egg with another player’s, and if that player’s egg has a lower priority, it says to them “your action failed.” The other egg is swapped and they don’t use their action. If the other egg has a higher priority, that egg uses its action and then gets swapped. If the egg you stole had all its uses used, you give it away or discard it if all it’s use limits have been reached. The next night, the player you switched with is alerted the egg they have is a mimic, and gives the mimic egg to a chosen player without the chosen player knowing who gave it to them. The player who receives it knows it’s a mimic.
The Chicken Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, and has 2 uses. Once the use limit is reached 3 times, the egg goes rotten. If a use limit is reached, the egg goes to the player with the least points. The chicken egg allows no one to use any actions on you during the night, be it helpful, harmful, or just someone checking you out.
The Magnet Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, can be used 3 times, and if it’s use limit is reached 2 times, it goes rotten. Once a use limit is reached, you give this egg to the player with the least points. If you investigate someone with this, it will tell you if they have a golden egg, hot potato, or defuse egg.
The Possessed Egg
This egg is worth 0 points, and infinite uses. This egg can never go rotten. If someone kills or steals from the player holding this egg, they get the egg, even if it is in their collection. You do not have to kill someone every night.
The Sneaky Egg
This egg is worth 3 points, has 2 uses, and goes rotten once its use limit is met 3 times. You can steal the held egg from a chosen player, and they will know that it was taken, but not who took it. If the last use is used, that person gives the sneaky egg to the player with the least points, and makes the stolen egg their new held one. If the theft was unsuccessful, they choose a held egg the next night.
The Poison Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, and has two uses. The use limit can be met 2 times before it goes rotten. If a limit is met, you give it to a random player. It can be used once a day. During the day, you can poison someone with this egg. They will be alerted instantly and will die at the end of the next day. The only ways it can be cured are A: You get healed or B: The poison egg itself is an antidote.
The Love Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, has 3 uses, and its limit can be met 3 times. This egg goes to the player with the least points if a limit is reached. This egg heals people. For each successful heal, an egg of your choice that you have gets +2 points.
The Cleaner Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, has 2 uses, and its use limit can be met 3 times. If you use this egg on one of your own, that egg you use it on gets +1 point. It can be used on itself.
The Nosy Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, has 3 uses, and its limit can be met 3 times. When all used up, a random player is given this egg. Either follow someone at night to see where they go, or visit someone to see who visits them.
The Investeggator
This egg is worth 2 points, has 3 uses, and its limit can be met 3 times. This egg gets certain results from other eggs. These results are:
The egg you saw likes to help other eggs shine. It’s either a love egg or a cleaner egg.
The egg you saw likes to steal other eggs. It’s either a clumsy egg or a sneaky egg.
The egg you saw SHINY!!! GOLDEN!!!
The egg you saw kills people. It’s either a poison egg or possessed egg.
The egg you saw might not be an egg. It’s either a hot potato or a fork.
The egg you saw learns things about other eggs. It’s either a magnet or lawful.
The egg you saw annoys people. It’s either a holy egg or annoying egg.
The egg you saw doesn’t like visitors. It’s either a hardboiled egg or chicken egg.
The egg you saw visits people to watch them suffer. It’s either a mimic egg or nosy egg.
The Holy Egg
1 point. This egg can commune with the dead during the night and thus has no uses or use limits.
The Annoying Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, has 3 uses, and its use limit can be reached 3 times. This egg roleblocks other eggs.
The Hardboiled Egg
4 points. Whoever holds this egg is immune to death at all times, including lynched and getting poisoned. This egg is not a cure for poison. Collection does not count as holding.
The Lawful Egg
This egg is worth 2 points, has 3 uses, and its use limit can be met 2 times.This egg checks whether eggs are honest or dishonest. Clumsy, sneaky, possessed, poison, mimic, and potato show up as dishonest. Golden egg is immediately identified as golden egg.
The only two guaranteed eggs are The Golden Egg and and The Possessed Egg. If The Hot Potato spawns, so will The Fork.
People who joined (Really?)
- Simon
- Sam
- Kitten
- Hippo
- Maximus
- Joker
- Ginger
- Celeste