The Exclusivity Experiment

Exclusivity Achieved.

Experiment Resetting…

Excess Rules Clear… :white_check_mark:

Updating Archive… :x:


Error Resolved: Create Archive

Creating Archive… :white_check_mark:

Updating Archive… :white_check_mark:

Clearing Member List… :white_check_mark:

Setting default Members… :white_check_mark:

Altering Experiment… :white_check_mark:

Reviewing Reset Process… :white_check_mark:

Welcome to the Exclusivity Experiment, Members

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No, no… now you have to tell us the results

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FYI this means you only have to like starting from my previous post

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Hi I’m a new member

My rule is that only users whose usernames contain the words “orange”, “and”, and “black”, in that order, and whose usernames end with the number “5”, may be members. All who do not meet these criteria may not be members, and will be removed if they are.

The two-step process was a bit slow

No. im just going to be honest that that kinda defeats the whole purpose of this. im changing the initial ruleset so that you cannot directly make yourself the only member.

you may submit a different rule if you want

Alright fine mom

My rule is that all new members must have the Admired badge

Counterpoint: if you intentionally set up excessively strict membership rules, you run the risk of people like me deciding that your rules are sufficiently strict that they’re not worth obeying

Only members may post. please either become a member or cease posting

This is a riot

Only members may host riots. please either become a member or cease posting


Only members may host riots. please either become a member or cease posting, or contact a member to ask them to host a riot


can you host a riot

Only members may post. please either cease posting or become a member.
the rule of exclusivity to members only applies to the thread however.

why would we want to become a member tho

there’s no incentive

I mean

I have incentive

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