The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

Remember I’m quite when I don’t have a point of leverage. Right now the fact that mafia has no night kills means that all of town automatically has leverage.

So wait. Are you saying I popped up mafia to you?

Well why else would I say that my friend.

Just clarifying. Since you were not my mafia check that means I might have just found the entire mafia.

cue Class Trial turn up the heat V3 Give it up Burrito, I’ve found one mafia and I won’t hesitate to find the rest

Oh ya well I’ve found 2 and your one of them!

cue Leon voice It’s It’s all theories without evidence!

Umm. You said you checked me and that I popped mafia when I’m not. Town has no reason to lie so that makes you likely to be mafia. In addition to that I also got a maifa check from my N0 Ability.

Also there is something that we are both probably forgetting. There is no way this game isn’t basterd. Frames and things like it are definitely a thing

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If I made anybody a Framer or similar, it would not affect N0 results.

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Nvm then

Well I’m Nightmare, I check people get a clear mafia/town results. Also @orangeandblack5 can we D0 vote? also why wouldn’t you give us this info now?

No voting until @DinoMask confirms

Also what info

I was talking to Burrito, I mean he has a mafia check and why wouldn’t he tell us now to get this info out there?

If he doesn’t know he has been found then he might hint at who the other mafia is without realizing it.

Thats BS, that kind of mind game is hard to pull off and I don’t think you can

That’s no reason not to try. Plus someone else might be able to pull it off retroactively.

sanities may not be normal


JIC that’s allowed.
Good luck all and enjoy anyway.
Happy 2018 <3

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@DinoMask waiting on you