The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

it also rules out obsessive cop for anyone who got a mafia check

I would like to compile a list of everyoneā€™s checks and their results so it makes it easier to analyze. So if you havenā€™t claimed your check yet please do so :smile:

nah, im waiting. I know that seems sus, but id at least like to get 2 checks before revealing

Butā€¦ that logically doesnā€™t make any sense from a town perspective. Framer/Tailor will be in effect starting N1 so future results are even less trustworthy.

If there is a time to figure out our roles itā€™d be today.

yeah, but then the mafia can take out the sane cop and then the insane cop on n2
i think more information overall before we find out roles would be good

There is no night killing, Simon.


oh nevermind

yeah okay. And i realize this will sound quite suspicious but my result was that Dino is town

Considering mine was that youā€™re town, that does seem kinds sus to me.

My result was that youā€™re all town

Game over



So Orange is just naive :thinking:



Well that was quick. gg, everyone.

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Oh btw

I apologize in advance to whoever loses

I have no clue which side this setup favors lol


Probably town since thereā€™s no night kills.

Right, but it was super scumsided with night kills

So weā€™ll see

So the claims are thus so far
Hippo - Checked Noz Mafia
Burrito - Checked Marl (me) Mafia
Dino - Checked Simon Town
Simon - Checked Dino Town
Me - Checked Noz Mafia.
Noz - Checked Burrito Mafia.

We still need a claim from wolfy.

Err, I checked Noz as TOWN not mafia. Would edit to fix the error but canā€™t :smiley: