The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

Yeah if you make a mistake, just EBWOP


(make a new post to correct your mistake)

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Apologies, been sorting real life issues which I rather not talk about, so my activity may fluctuate slightly.

However, I did a N0. Check on Dino. Got a result of town for them

So the claims are thus so far
Hippo - Checked Noz Mafia
Burrito - Checked Marl (me) Mafia
Dino - Checked Simon Town
Simon - Checked Dino Town
Marl (me) - Checked Noz Town
Noz - Checked Burrito Mafia.
Wolfy - Checked Dino Town.

Hereā€™s an updated full list of checks then. I full like we can get a decent amount of info on who could be what classes by looking at this.


I feel*

There are 4 mafia checks and 3 town checks so thereā€™s at least one mafia in the mafia checks.

Even if a sane cop found mafia that would give only 3 mafia checks. If the sane cop didnā€™t find mafia then both mafia are in the 4 people who got a mafia check.

I think we can work out a lot more stuff aswell. We can probably do percentages and also definately say for certain that some people arenā€™t some roles.

I just realised I miscounted and there are only 3 mafia checks dammnit. Forget that stuff I said earlier (reading is hard)

So does this confirm me as town?

Absolutely not. The people who checked you could be the naive cop, the insane cop or the parity cop. You are VERY UNLIKELY to be mafia though!

We need to start discussing who we will lynch today if we even will. Iā€™m not against /No Lynch. and the only person iā€™m not against lynching is burrito (no offense but you checked me mafia and noz checked you mafia).

I vote /no lynch too.

I will officially vote
/No Lynch

And for obvious reasons, we shouldnā€™t disclose who we are going to check tonight, because Framer/Tailor exist.


i dont think we can no lynch

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I mean I donā€™t see why we wouldnā€™t be able to.
The days are timed anyway so if we canā€™t we can just wait out the day effectively doing a /no lynch.

no, if we dont do anything someone will be randomly lynched

keyword is compulsive

/vote Burrito

(ignore that I replied, the forum hates me and canā€™t undo it D: )

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Soā€¦ We have 12 hours to lynch someone or a random dies then?
can you confirm this?
Or is /no lynch a valid play?

We must lynch, no clue if nolynch is valid or the right play here