The FM Awards - Mountainous All Stars - Game Over (Actual Super Good Town Performance)

Then why not vote him? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Or you can accept your death. Honestly I actually feel bad I feel like I made every mistake possible in this game. Everything went by way too fast. PKR’s post can sum up my experience

Sarun if your town you should basically accept your death,

Also if solic is lock scum how do you have scum leans

A mixture of laziness, stubbornness, and blind conviction.


I just want this game to end tbh. And I’d rather not be mislynched for the second game in a row.

Eh, Nuke and Livicus would technically be my secondary suspects if Solic somehow flips town, but that’s unlikely as hell as I’ve said before.

inb4 PKR was actually pulling the wagon of FK cuz he was his buddy and we all get deepwolfed


That’d actually be pretty damn hilarious, especially since we read that based on PKR’s white-knighting self-meta, so yeah.

same tbh I didn’t like this game at all I am never playing mountainous again with experienced people as it just went by way too fast tbh,

I mean I think PKR was super busy or something because he drew a shitload of attention to him D1 really really poorly.

My fav set up is Citizens with a Doc or Citizens with a Cop. Gives a bit more for bad townies to do.

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IMO, he kind of should start playing around with his scum game and changing things up. We already know that his entire strategy revolves around pocketing so every time he begins to soft-defend someone several red flags come up.

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For future reference, I use conditional statements a lot when backreading or performing associative reads prior to a flip in the event that I’m night killed or whatsoever. So this post kind of ticked me the wrong way, tbh.

I’ll be happy either way as long as Solic is lynched, though.

I know you just said it in like everyother post. I wouldnt sr it normally.

it’s my style

I don’t like games ruining good terms or causing ragey fits

so that’s my way of saying “no hard feelings”

I don’t take games personally, so that wasn’t necessarily needed.:persevere:

Back on-topic, reminder that PKR’s posts regarding Eevee and Luxy were done while he was already under heavy suspicion, so I wouldn’t take them too accurately in the case that he knew he was going to die and tried to WIFOM spew them either as scum or town.

okay but you know like the PKR/Squid and more stuff

and it’s a given that you don’t trust a flipped scum’s posts

Honestly PKR’s push on eevee was so bad.

It’s typically good to analyze their interactions as we’ve done with FK/PKR to spew FK as town due to PKR white-knighting him in an attempt to pocket. Thing is, experienced scum will typically just random their interactions when they know they are going to die in order to prevent this, so the best associative reads on PKR are from the early game.

I mean no trust, not that you don’t analyze it

Like it’s not like he even tried to get eevee hung instead of him he basically was told to vote eevee if he suspected him and then he didn’t even apply pressure.

It’s why I’m undecided on Eevee’s lean.

I’m basically nigh-sure it’s Solic, but PKR did that to throw off our reads on Eevee.

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