The FM Awards - Mountainous All Stars - Game Over (Actual Super Good Town Performance)

his vote ended on me im p sure anyway

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If you look at what pkr did I’m 100% sure he did it for WIFOM. He didn’t even TRY to get eevee hung instead of him, imo it seems like bad distancing , but then he’s a experienced player so I don’t see that happening unless he had a really off day.

he did have a really off day though because he played very poorly yesterday. I was starting to think he was town by the end because I really didn’t want to think he was scum.

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Do you see pkr pushing his scumbud like that if he knew he was dead

It’s why I said not to take his read on Eevee that seriously and why Eevee should not be considered lock town.

…can we all just CFD onto Solic? This game has already dragged on long enough.

hammer sarun

Forgot about this ngl


Just hammer if you wish.

Reminder that Solic should be the priority lynch tomorrow and if he somehow flips town then it’s likely Nuke, Livi, or Eevee. The remaining players should be cleared.

Yeah Solic is dead 100% if u town

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which is why it doesnt rlly matter imo

I’m still adamant that he should be today’s lynch just so this damn game ends already.


And the rest, just ISO my last posts and CFD onto Solic here. It’s damn obvious that he was low-key defending PKR and attempting to wagon-shop to prevent his d1 lynch.

fine jeeeeeeez /vote Solic

We are pity voting Solic guys let’s go.

and if ur mafia wasting my time imma be annoyed cuz u 100% getting lynched tomorrow anyway

I won’t, because the game will have ended.

@Kirefitten vote Solic

just someone end the day por favor

Fine, the Pity CFD. I will say, initially your argument at him wasnt really good, but then you pointed out how he was trying to make other wagons to distract us from PKR, which it does look like. At this point either you or Solic is scum, and as Hippo said, if your maf, you die tmrw.

/vote Solic

Livi vote Solic

fine but if Solic flips town

well you know what happens Sarun

/vote Solic

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