The Fraudulent Queen (Pretender King)

The Fraudulent Queen

Neutral Special
If the Pretender become King instead of become Neutral King they will become “The Fraudulent Queen”

Determind - Immune to occupation and Redirection

Royal Guards - Death immune once.

Night Abilities
Military imposer - Make someone appear they were attacked but death immune.(3 uses)

Order Execution - Send guards to any player who voted you up and kill them while they’re asleep, goes through death immunity and healing.(2 uses)

Goal - Survive till the end of the game

Why though, this is totally unneeded and There is no counter play to this unlike the old OE where you can heal them. Also all it does is make NK’s fear for their life

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I agree there is no counter play but the main role of the Fraudulent Queen is to survive with the low claim space of the Pretender people may fear to exe the king or queen in this case basically making it so the Fraudulent Queen can do her goal yes I do agree may be a bit op but that’s kinda the point.

no they wouldn’t they would execute them anyway, she can’t kill you if she’s dead

Prevention, CW redirection, Knight Guard



I assume her day ability’s are unchanged?

Also why. Can’t military be given to EK that would be nice

Btw I would make her have to survive the whole game if she has a reflexive BP vest

He has real guards

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yeah I would like to change them but since they are always announced to everyone basically impossible it will be like merc were the mercs were forced to use their pardon ability on their target to confirm themselves

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Wait so is OE announced or silent

It would have to be silent to not be useless


silent the whole point of Pretender is to make bd think you are good

Um… her goal is to survive once king lets not give bd reason to execute a pretender king

yeah but you become neutral King and then what. The game starts to become boring to Pretender and I think making her goal to first become king then survive till the end is to harsh as alch can just do that anyway, this just helps Queen become easier and allows you to still convince bd you’re good with some added stuff.

Ok i agree she should get abilities exclusive to her but keep the survive goal as that is her goal


it is her goal she has to survive three days I know pretender is a new class but have you ever won as pretender yet?

I haven’t rolled her period