The Magistrate [Neutral Investigative]

Sellsword and…?

Assuming this is replacing inq

Would it need to be adjusted to be able to townside less easily (given that faction trial is a very potent BD-siding ability)

known but xblade will likely never remove fool


The only issue with Fool is the penalty not cooperating with the current meta, also off-topic :slight_smile:

except you need the BD you find to die and once you use it once you cant faction check anymore

disagree but offtopic

Probably would need an adjustment, like “can’t use the same sentence 2 nights in a row” assuming it fails or something, but that’s balance and I’m too tired for this.

I think Class Type / Visit are good ones
Difficult design block since you need to have a third one and Faction is very townsided

There’s three ways in my mind you can take it from here:

  • have faction base it off starting faction (that’s saved in the game’s data so it shouldn’t be hard)
  • have the feedback from correct / incorrect guess happen later
  • leave as is

Also that’s wasting time so just check for BD for easy marks.


would you pick from




i feel like the meta for this class is gonna be

n1: faction check BD
n2/n3: visit knight/chrono/phys to prince, or phys/alch to bleeder if possible, else just some random claimer as what they claim

if you greenpeek somebody
odds are they are going to be converted or die sooner rather than later

2nd version.

this is my biggest problem with it
it seems like playstyle is super linear

so lets think

in a 16p

excluding self and king, so 14

you have…
2-3 other neuts (including NK)
2 cultseen
10-9 BD

in an absolute worst case scenario you have a 64% (9/14) chance of finding a BD n1

in this current meta i think this class gets all 3 of its targets by N4 almost every game

i know part of the design of this class is to discourage the current meta but i doubt that’ll happen without cultseen/NK getting some buffs

in a longer game i think this class will have a pretty high winrate

do you have to survive

“See” implies you have to survive until you achieve your win condition.

thought so, but wanted to double check

this class feels like a slightly scum-sided alch from what i’m seeing in my generated scenarios in my head

did someone say

remove fool


Renamed to Magistrate due to feedback :slight_smile:

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Everyone else: Judge isn’t a great class.
Kape: Alright it ain’t Judge anymore.

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coincidence? I think not


Judge - coincidence,
Magistrate - not my idea, dunno.