I took like… several months off. Came back.
Every game I’m executed for not following some magical meta procedure for everything.
I’m observer. My logs don’t follow “the pattern” I’m executed. It was the pattern when I played, but apparently there is a new one or something.
I’m noble, I don’t twin vote on a pointless early vote that ended up being a fool. Executed for being “obviously evil” because Aristocrats don’t have the same power set as Noble and I was proven as a Noble. Ok sure.
I’m a physician. I didn’t exhume immediately. Instant death.
I used the “wrong” abbreviation for an ability. Death.
Almost every game I’m killed for not following some arcane BS the community decided on while I was gone.
And I have like 300 hours in the game. Apparently new people have no chance in hell and aren’t wanted?
And it’s never like a clever ploy from the unseen or anything. It’s BD people deciding that because I didn’t follow paragraph 5 subsection 34 of the Rules of Conduct, I need to be killed.