Another “guess someone else’s class” class.
The Monk (Social)
Ascending (Passive) - If you survive to the end, your team wins even if 1 opponent remains.
Royal Blood (Passive)
Discern (Night) - Earn a charge of Patience by correctly identifying the exact class of a player who is either Unseen, Cult, Neutral Killer, Fool, Scorned, Inquisitor, or Sellsword.
Meditate (Night) - Become death immune by consuming a charge of Patience, if you have any.
You will never be explicitly informed of how many Patience charges you have. If you use Meditate but get attacked and have no Patience, you’ll simply die.
The Hedonist (Social)
Royal Blood (Passive)
Chill Pill (Night) - The opposite of Mind Warp. Target an investigative to make them see everyone as “not suspicious” and “social or support” and “matching everyone”.
Dulcify (Day) - Force someone to cast their vote as pardon.