The Monkey's Paw

(I was thinking making it a part of your dorm, but that seems like an advantage rather than a disadvantage)

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That would be fantastic

On a related note I should go to dinner

You have a bag that is always sleeping. You donā€™t want to wake it up so you never use it.

I wish I was less of a weab

You are now more of a Furry.

I wish that I could think of the perfect wish to stump the Monkeyā€™s Paw.

Granted, however you cannot tell anyone or use this wish.

I wish that jake can use the wish

Granted, but itā€™s simply words in the wind, not doing anything.

I wish that everyone had free rice pudding.

Granted, but itā€™s also chocolate flavoured.

I wish I could swear before December 2nd.

Granted, you are now permanently the Good King with unlimited uses of Swear Fealty.

I wish that the oceans were 100% devoid of all salt.

Granted, but now the ocean has 100% pepper.

I wish I had friends.

Granted, you now own pirated copies of FRIENDS.

I wish for a million bucks :wink:

Granted, you now own the song ā€˜Million Bucksā€™

I wish life was great.

Granted. Life is now great for everyone in North Korea. The standards of living everywhere else drops dramatically.

I wish for something counter intuitive.

Granted, you get various kitchen implements that are highly intuitive and store them on your counter.

I wish that I were better at forum mafia.

Granted, but your forum account is banned.

I wish I were better at smiling.

Granted. You now suck so much at everything else that you die of suffocation.

I wish that I will die in a blaze of glory.

Granted. You were burnt at a stake in 1755.

I wish that I will know when I die.

Granted. Itā€™s in an old, dead language that no one knows how to speak.

I wish that I knew everything.

granted, but no one will believe you when you are telling the truth.

I wish that that there were no rules on this forum

Granted. There are no more wooden rules on this forum. The carpenters are sad.

I wish that I was immortal and invincible.

Granted. You have died and now have become immortal and invincible.

I wish that I knew all the words in the dictionary