The Monkey's Paw

If I died then by definition I would not be invincible or immortal, as I would truly die the second no one ever knew who I was.

Your soul is now invincible and immortal

your body isnā€™t

Granted, but you donā€™t know what they mean

I wish more people were consequentialists

Akfhsa, qifhsq fkah gawa disbae Canfja Abddg Gigd jgufa.

Wisa glw giva difkvi canut.

Wait hold on

Granted, but you can only use them to wish for washing machines

I wish that my dorm room was less messy

Wait no I understand words but donā€™t know what they mean let me fix this

Welp I give up that joke is ruined

Granted, itā€™s less messy. Every ten minutes strangers come in and clean up your room reorganizing it in a way that is completely random each time.

Granted. You no longer have a dorm room to be messy.

I wish that this thread would die and never be necroā€™d ever again.

Granted, now other thread will die too, so yes, it would still stands out among the sea of thread.

I wish I can date with my crush.

Granted, but they hate you.
I wish the woodchuck could chuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Granted. However, the Woodchuck is now extinct, making them unable to chuck wood.

I wish that whenever I create a contract, no one besides myself will ever read the fine print until it matters.

Granted. Now business corporations everywhere crumble, as they fight over the contacts, making deals, ending up in a Dystopian reality where the strong survive by ending the weak-
cough. anyway.
I wish I had a chocolate bar.

Didnā€™t read it.

Granted, however itā€™s made of the chocolate that the fat kid swam in in Willy Wonkaā€™s factory.

I wish I knew exactly what the Legal Documents of any app I download says and understand it.

(Augustus Gloop)
Granted, because itā€™s hotwired into your brain and it overheats.

I wish I could insert myself into a movie of my choice.

Granted, however you must be a background character and must be dead by the end of the film.

I wish that I had a million bucks

Granted. The police have entered the bank.
I wish it rained food.

Granted. It now rains Carbon Dioxide and Sunshine. The plants are happy.

I wish that I was Immortal, Invincible, Alive, and had an option to kill myself if I truly wanted to.