The Monkey's Paw

Granted. you clean it up and to get rid of bugs you spray RAID ant & roach killer

i wish for RAID: Shadow Legends

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You get RAID: Shadow Legends. You decide how you feel about that.

I wish to have honey, the free brower extension

granted. you get the brower extension and your brower is extended

I wish to have honey, the free browser extension

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You get honey, the free browser extension. Your browser is turned into honey. Your computer is honey. Your life is honey. You are honey.

I wish for some flaming hot cheeto dust

Granted. It tasted like dust.

I wish that Marshal tasted like honey/

Granted, but now that you have ate him, you are going to be executed due to cannibalism.

I wish that I can [redacted] my [redacted].

Granted. The vending machine has trapped your- You know where I’m going with this.

I wish to wish for more wishes.

Granted, but all those wishes’ side effect also came true.

I wish for death.

Granted. You saw how ugly God was and you died while in heaven. Meaning you came back to life.

I wish for non-death.

Granted. You are now the Lich.

I wish for ToL fool in FoL


I wish for ToL Fool to be deleted forever from FoL.

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Granted. It becomes a guaranteed spawn in ToL.

I wish for ToL Fool to be replaced with FoL Fool, rebalanced to fit with ToL.

Granted. The game becomes so highly toxic because of the new fool trolls that Xblade shuts down ToL and the forums.

I wish for more friends.

Granted. You get crushed to death by copies of FRIENDS.

I wish for a toilet made of gold.

impossible. please make your wishes at least slightly feasible in the future.

Granted. Unfortunately, there are no legs to make walk

Granted. The water inside of it is also replaced with gold.

I wish wouldn’t get sleep deprivation

Granted. You never wake up.

I wish for a taco.

Granted. It gives you E. Coli.

I wish for Oxygen Not Included to be on the Nintendo Switch for the price of $24.99.

Granted. Playing it removes all the Oxygen from the room unless you pay an extra $49.99. You don’t what to know what will happen if you play it outside.

I wish I was better at smash.

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Granted, now you are getting screamed with hoes mad every time Byleth shows up in the game.

I wish I can grind the heck out of gacha game and get everything I can get.