The Monkey's Paw

Granted, but you are on the verge of depression for the rest of your life.

I wish I had friends.

Granted, but theyā€™re robots.
I wish I didnā€™t make a wish.

Granted, but time and space destroyed itself.
I wish this thread was cooler.

Granted, itā€™s now cooler by three degrees Fahrenheit.

I wish I procrastinated less.

Granted, but now you hesitate before doing anything.
I wish we couldnā€™t say ā€œbutā€ in this thread.

Granted, however, the thread dies because no one is willing to bother rephrasing.

I wish I could choose what class I rolled in ToL.

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Granted, however ToL stands for Thone of Life.
I wish I had a soul.

Granted, Soul the forum user comes to visit you and wonā€™t leave.

I wish I had all the health benefits of drinking water without having to actually remember to drink it.

Granted, you become 99% water.
I wish I was on Survivor & won.

Granted, but you died of a heart attack after you won. (Ironic for survivor)

I wish that whatever you want becomes a reality

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Granted, but after having a nightmare you are stuck in a realm of terror unable to escape.

I wish that workweeks were 20 hours instead of 40. :upside_down_face:

Granted, but your pay is cut in half to compensate
I wish I was unable to be recorded

Granted, but now everyone will hold down the picture button and take so many pictures, then they will fuse it into a film.
I wish I was not alone.

Granted, your depression and anxiety is now always with you

I wish that planes were faster

Granted. All systems currently in place to make plane travel safe are now obsolete due to the increased speed.
I wish apathy didnā€™t exist

Granted, no one is uninterested in any thing now. Also thereā€™s now a cult that is rapidly recruiting members due to promising people that you get to kill people and it will be fun.

I wish that emotions didnā€™t exist.

Granted, but that results in a dystopian future where the spirit of the individual no longer exists, and the world is governed by cold hard logic and nothing else. People eventually become mindless workers, forever destined to stay exactly where they are in life and never change. Countries go into devastating wars for resources, not caring about the lives lost. Eventually, the governments of the world collapse, and the world is reduced to a wasteland full of nuclear radiation and mindless, unemotional shells, human only in appearance and nothing else. You get into a fight with another person for food and die, your last moments thinking of your sustenance and nothing else.

I wish I can watch Stranger Things for free cuz everyone says I should see it

Granted, now youā€™re stuck in DbD for eternity!

I wish I can work on my DnD CS.

Granted, you can work on it but you get distracted by your furry vns.

I wish that days lasted 30 hours with no consequence


Granted, but now you must learn 3 more hours in school due to prolonging day.

I wish I could sleep longer.