The Monkey's Paw

granted. Now you are unable to concentrate on work outside of school

I wish my room was clean

Granted. Now it doesnā€™t have anything in it.

I wish I had the power to bring back the dead from an arbitrary point when they were alive.

granted, but they are brought back to exactly the same point in space they were at at the desired time, relative to the center of the milky way

i wish for 2 more wishes

Granted, but you can only use them to wish for mutant three-legged ostriches in Santa hats.

I wish for a cure to aging.

Granted. Itā€™s death.

I wish for a magic staff

Granted, but itā€™s cursed to only work when you shout a racial slur so that the people in your vicinity will be able to hear it
I wish for mutant three legged ostriches in Santa hats

Granted. You now have mutant three-legged ostriches in Santa hats.

I wish for a granola bar.

granted. it probably tastes like shit because most granola bars do.

I wish to actually own a matress

Granted. You have to pay mortgage on your mattress because nobody truly owns their stuff in this world.
I wish I had a granola bar that didnā€™t taste like shit

Granted. You now have a granola bar that tastes like piss.

I wish for spotify premium

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Granted. You got it at ThePirateBay and gained together a handy feature that is always active and shows you how to grow your manly parts within 6 days, alongside with a detector on widows in your area and constant reminders you are visitor 100000.
I wish for sleep

Granted. You never wake up.

I wish for a pet dinosaur.

Granted. It destroys you and your home.
I wish for fancy breakfast that tastes good and I can eat

Granted. The Sellsword you didnā€™t know was in your home steals it and eats it before you can.

I wish Fortnite never existed.

granted. a weirdly similar game titled ā€œJortniteā€ (where all the characters wear jorts) takes its place

I wish that the wish i am thinking of, with no side effects that are not intrinsically part of the wish, be granted when i say the words ā€œi wish to be made a sandwichā€ for the second time, including this time

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I wish for happiness

granted. you get one (1) serotonin. thats it. its done.

i wish for someone to confirm/deny whether my previous wish means i win or not, while still letting the game continue either way.

Granted. You lose.

I wish I hit all my skillshots.

Granted. You became so happy because of this that you died of happiness, though.

I wish that I wasnā€™t lazy.

Granted. You are hyperactive.
I wish I had an anti rain device.