The Renegade Neutral Special.
Passive(1): Spiteful, Immune to occupation and Redirection.
Passive(2): To Close, You cannot target your target with night Abilities
Day Ability(1): Dreadful Armour, Make yourself Immune and attack any attackers, Doesn’t bypass immunity or healing (2 Uses)
Day Ability(2): Taunt, Make your target unable to do day and night actions for one day (2 Uses)
Night Ability(1): Slander, Frame someone other then your target while making Protective abilities. (Infinite)
Night Ability(2): Bounty, Protect someone other then your target, attacking attackers, doesn’t go through Immunity. (Infinite)
Goal: Secure your target loses by any means.
Convert: Only convertible if target is not a member of the Blue Dragon.
The Vessel Unseen Special
Day Ability(1): Chaos, Make someone appear as Unseen tonight (2 Uses)
Day Ability(2): Insult, Make that player, unable to do day and night actions for one day (2 Uses)
Night Ability(1): Slander, Frame Someone and make Protective abilities fail, [This won’t work if a Assassin also targets that player unless the visit was forced.] (3 Uses)
Night Ability(2): Barricade, Protect a Unseen member also making them Appear as Blue Dragon tonight. (3 Uses)
Classes that cannot be your target: Starting King, Prince, Hunter, Neutral Killers, Inquisitor, Fool, Scorned, Pretender, Mastermind.
[X] - Is your target, you must make sure they lose by any means.
Lore: (Renegade)
The Renegade was once close with their target, they worked together because the Renegade was a hired protector for them, but the Renegade saw corruption in their eyes and saw what they were doing was wrong, they let it go for a while, but hate started building up for the target, they decided instead of getting paid, why don’t they just wait until they die and take the money, in their eyes it was better than supporting someone under corruption, they could even make more from it, from that day the Renegade Decided that enough was enough and they would take matters into their own hands, if anyone was going to bring them down it was them, they would have to use methods of intimidation, Trickery and even protecting their opponents. After all, they were well skilled in all these factors, they left a note for their target “Well, sorry I can no longer support your corruption, I’ll bring you down and find my allies that will help stop you, I no longer have hope in you” The Renegade disguised themselves so they wouldn’t be noticed by their target, only time will tell if you can bring down their corruption.
Lore: (Vessel)
The Mastermind saw that The Renegade wasn’t directly against the Blue Dragon, The Mastermind hated that, they believed the best course of action would be manipulating the Renegade, but their mind was already set against the target, so the Mastermind made sure to completely rewire the thinking process of the Renegade, they became an empty “Vessel” for the unseen. The Renegades soul was completely lost, of course the Mastermind planned to get rid of them once they got their way. After all, their Job has been just to aid them. They became just a Vessel.
Renegades Night Music 1+2 ( Royalty free anyway )