The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

I’d happily pre-in for whichever of you hosts

so long as it doesn’t intersect with short fuse 2 which it probably won’t

i haven’t looked at the queues in a while though

Inb4 I pre-in to a dozen games that start at the same time as I host Scales of Justice

do it

My SoJ is already in the comp queue

Or did you mean the “join everything” aspect

Anyhow we’re getting off track a little here

I’ll say it again: stop trying to find wolves and start trying to find villagers
It’s objectively the best reading strategy for this game

that’s hard when half of the players aren’t talking and we’ve seen no nodes flip iciblouse

Eh. Is it though?

It’s really not hard for a well-placed deepwolf to ruin this game for town since really all they have to do is ensure they are in the final node for a scum win


name one person who you think is probably Resistance go go go

Solution: Don’t read deepwolfs as villa

From what I’ve seen


That’s hard gut but I like the position of her arguments

some of those people have barely posted

I’m not saying “Don’t say anything about people being wolfy”" i’m just saying that we shouldn’t spend all of our energy trying to convince people that this guy is totally wolf

Also @Jazz thatsthepoint.gif

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I think that might be the point

Also lul Insanity got tagged twice

@Insanity if you don’t put me in the next node you’re a coward and a hacker

I can guarantee the node get’s accepted

According to you,who would be the 4 spy?


This node might have a spy after all…