The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

It was bad

More transparent than saran wrap


Also you canā€™t say itā€™s transparent when you are the only person who thinks itā€™s SvS

Iā€™m basically the only one playing the game though




Weā€™ll see who gets the last laugh when icibalus uses my list and our mission succeeds

What team are you planning?

So what would you propose if you are the leader right now?

But in reality, the list you propose will most likely be a failure in the mission.

Dunno yet, Iā€™m not the leader yet so i have more time to think before i propose

I want to hear Bazingaā€™s list before anything

Marg liked my tinfoil post I assume thats supposed to be a ā€œsure letā€™s go with the story of me being clever scum not bad townā€ : p

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i think that was more of a condescending ā€œlolsureā€ like

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but who really knows :thinking:


your proposed scenario doesnā€™t make any sense

if a scum knows their partner is close after them, they want theirs accepted so scum will have another chance at a fail sooner

Maybe it was a ā€œyouā€™re absolutely correct you total geniusā€

Fair point


@Margaret, @Insanity, @Marluxion and @Jazz have been chosen by @Margaret for the second mission!

Everyone, please accept or reject this team by messaging me your choice!

The deadline is 12/27/2018 at 18:00 GMT-5

whoose idea is it to keep putting boopy on missions and where can I punch them

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