The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]




2 people have yet to confirm

that means one of them will have the big gay


@Meteoro is the Leader!

Prepare for the first mission! You need a team of three, and one spy can fail it.

Deadline is 12/22/18 at 18:00 GMT-5

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If a decision is made before then, we will immediately switch to voting.

it’s mission 1

nothing matters

just select people at random lol

picc me
i must go my people need me

pick marl

that way if the mission fails we know who the spy is but will trust him anyway

aternative phrasing:

pick marl

that way if the mission fails we know who the spy is and it’s definitely not marl

jokes aside though just pick yourself and 2 others at random

i haven’t played avalon before but i’ve played enough original resistance to know that mission 1 doesn’t matter as it basically always succeeds anyway

Pick randomly, since it would be dumb if the spy fail the mission.

I mean if there are people you’d normally consider curveballs it might be a decent idea to put them on the team just to see how they react or how others react or whatever

Should I pick a team already?
Or do I wait some time

Pick me I’m town and not the deep undercover guy

what if you’re so deep that even you don’t know you’re a spy

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Funny you say that because I definitely thought I was scum, but double checked and it turns out I’m not. Resistance just seemed to be the informed minority faction by name

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i mean

in the lore they are