The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

the game mode is fine, but would be better as turbo seeing as nobody cared enough to actually think or gather input before putting lineups forward

I joined this game because I thought a 9 player game would be fast, and inactives would be non-existent but that was not the case at all :slight_smile:

Don’t run turbos just think before you propose teams

You have to keep in mind there are completely different game modes and i probably won’t be very mistaken if I say most players on this site aren’t to tryharding even in competitive games.

@Marluxion I thought it weas Tw1light
turns out Tw1 is really good at the game and I won’t underestimate her again

…how did you not realize it was boopy

It’s a damn good thing i rolled assassin or i’d have left this game very salty

… me big brain

Also i’ve actually remembered that meta is garbage

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